Become a Mija!

Thank you for your commitment to help create the scholarship funds for our newest class of hijas! Please complete the form below. You do not need to make a financial contribution at this time. We will send you an email when your first commitment is due. You can expect to receive that reminder by the end of October. 

    Please select one giving level below. While you must pledge to give a minimum of $125 a year for six years, totaling $750, you can select to pledge a larger annual sum below. Your giving level will not be made public.

    How much would you like to donate?

    Our strength as an organization is rooted in our vibrant collective of volunteers. There are no expectations of involvement beyond the annual financial contribution, however, there are opportunities to share your talents with the young women we serve. Please select the options that interest you:

    For each annual financial contribution, 10% will go towards the administrative costs of the scholarship fund and the remainder of the commitment will go directly to the scholarship fund for your class of hijas. For questions, please email


    Circle de Luz is a charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. EID: 74-3259379. Contributions to Circle de Luz are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the Charitable Solicitation Licensing Section at 888-830-4989.